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Saint Mary Magdalene in Albi

The Church of Sainte-Madeleine d ' Albi , also called the Church of the Madeleine, is a church of the Archdiocese of Albi . It is located in the Tarn department, France , 500 meters north of the Sainte-Cécile d'Albi Cathedral , on the right bank of the Tarn, in the Madeleine district. It is included in the buffer zone (protected sector) of the episcopal city of Albi .

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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The Madeleine church was built between 1848 and 1851 , on the site of the former chapel of the Capuchin convent, by the Toulouse architect Julien Rivet . It is an imitation of the Church of the Madeleine in Paris, completed in 1842 and whose plans date back to 1810. This explains its unexpected First Empire style in the middle of the 19th century.

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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The interior decoration was designed mainly by Alexandre Denuelle in 1861, with a painting of the vault, in azure color with seedlings of stars, false marble columns and the gilding of the capitals.

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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The fresco of the choir and the medallions of the vault of the nave are by Romain Cazes

Christ painted wood Date of the boundary between the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the base of the cross is a former walk to the lectern.

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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The apse fresco

Saint Madeleine being the patroness of the church, the bottom of the apse naturally had to be dedicated to her. The scene takes place both on earth and in the sky. In the center, Saint Madeleine, carried by two angels. His right hand, pressed against his chest, holds the vase of perfume, the left hand is raised. Her blonde hair is loose and hangs over her shoulders. Dressed in a yellow dress (during restorations in 1965 her dress was repainted in blue) and a blue coat. Sainte Madeleine, of extreme beauty, is in ecstasy. With her eyes turned to the sky, she contemplates Christ looking at her with outstretched arms. On his right, the Blessed Virgin and on his left, Saint John holding a cross. Below, in a landscape lit by the last rays of the setting sun, Saint Maximin. On the left Saint Lazarus contemplates the entry of Saint Magdalene into the heavens. This vast composition includes about twenty characters 3m high.

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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Under the fresco is the quote from Luke: “REMITTUNTUR EI PECCATA MULTA QUONIAM DILEXIT MULTUM”: she will be forgiven a lot because she loved a lot.

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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the stained glass windows are by Louis-Victor Gesta from Toulouse.

Église Sainte Marie-Madeleine à Albi

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