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Church of Our Lady of Nazaré


A curious legend attributes the name Nazaré to a statue of the virgin, originally from Nazareth, brought from Palestine by a Greek monk to the monastery of Cauliniana, near Mérida in Spain in the 4th century.

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In 1377, due to the great influx of pilgrims to the small chapel of memory, King Fernando decided to build the primitive church to house the statue of the virgin.

Very altered and enlarged during the following reigns, the current building, baroque in profile with its high spiers, reveals the great transformations that took place at the end of the 17th century. Century.

Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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The interior has a single nine and high altar in carved gilded wood with helical columns, from which stands out a large painting representing the miracle of the apparition of Our Lady of Nazaré to D. Fuas Raupinho.

In the center, on a throne is the revered statue of the Virgin of Nazaré.

Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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The walls at the ends of the transept are covered with magnificent faience tiles from the beginning of the 18th century, blue and white, by the Dutch master W van Kloet, depicting scenes from the Old Testament.

Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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In the 8th century, the last Goth king of the Iberian Peninsula, King Rodrigo, fleeing took refuge in the monastery after his failure before the Moors during the battle of Guadalete.

There he met the Romano monk whom he accompanied during his flight to Nazaré, bringing with them the statue of the Virgin and a crate with the relics of Saint Blaise and Saint Bartholomew.

Before dying, the monk Romano hid the statue in a cave on the promontory, where it remained forgotten for four centuries, being then discovered by shepherds who venerated it from then on.

Legend of the Horse:

Legend has it that in September 1182 on a foggy morning, D. Fuas Raupinho, the governor of the Porto de Mós castle, was chasing a deer in the region when the animal suddenly disappeared in the abyss.

Faced with peril the noble knight invoked the protection of the virgin of Nazaré and the horse suddenly stopped, saving the life of the knight

In thanksgiving, D. Fuas Raupinho had the small chapel of memory built.

Venerated since that date, the statue gave its name to the place: Sitio de Notre-Dame de Nazaré

Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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                                            Legend of the boat

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In 1846, the passengers of the Portuguese boat São João Batista left Belém for Lisbon on July 11.

A few days later the boat wrecked and the passengers were rescued by a dinghy which took them back to Belém.

The boat had, a few years earlier, transported the statue of Our Lady of Nazaré to Lisbon for restoration.

The canoe that saved the castaways was the one that took the statue to the boat anchored off the city.

The canoe began to be part of the Nazaré procession from the year 1885. Many miracles have also been attributed to the virgin of Nazaré.

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Nazaré.

Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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Eglise Notre Dame de Nazaré - Portugal

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the black virgin brought back from Nazareth

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